The Business For Sale Buyer Resource Center - Diomo Corporation

 I've Made A Lot Of Money Buying Good Businesses Then Growing and Selling Them. It's Easy! Do You Want To Know Exactly How To Do It? 

I’m Richard Parker. Over the past 34 years, I have personally purchased 14 companies including one co-investment, with deal sizes ranging from $50,000 to $208 million.

I know first-hand the phenomenal impact that buying a good business can have on someone's life. It completely changed mine and the rewards have been incredible.

Buying a business is not difficult, but it is complex, and you must know how to successfully navigate all the crucial steps and decisions you will face during the business buying process. If not, you will end up buying the wrong business and you'll face a financial mess.

Our program - How To Buy A Good Business At A Great Price© is based on over 30 years of successful business acquisitions and it will be your blueprint for each of the 23 steps in the business buying process. This is not a generic book about buying businesses. It is a comprehensive guide that breaks down every step and explains exactly what you must know, what do do, and precisely how to do it.

Included with our program is unlimited consulting with me and there's never any additional cost.

How To Buy A Good Business At A Great Price© is the most widely used strategy guide and reference resource for buying a business. It has helped tens of thousands of people acquire businesses resulting in over $2 billion in transactions. The reason why it has sold over 100,000 copies and has helped countless entrepreneurs like you achieve financial success is because it works! 

If you have any questions or need some advice about buying a business, feel free to email me directly at It will be my pleasure to assist you. 

I look forward to helping you buy a good business at a great price. 




  • How To Determine The Right Business For You: Knowing what business is right for you is quite possibly the most important aspect of this process. When you match your greatest strengths to the right business you cannot help but be successful. This section includes a complete evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, past successes, failures, previous experiences, interests, and a host of other components that will dictate the specific type of business that is right for you. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Focusing Your Search: You’ll learn where to look, the resources to use, and how to focus your search like a laser beam on businesses that make sense for you. Instead of wasting time searching endless business for sale listings trying to figure out which ones might be right, you’ll refine this process to quickly identify prospects that fit your specific criteria. We’ll show you how to get immediate replies from brokers and sellers so that you can devote your time to locating the right business instead of chasing people for information. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • The Ten Commandments – What every good business must possess: This is huge! Our clients rave about this section because you’ll learn the ten most important factors that every good business must possess. Presented in a simple format, it is the ultimate test to apply to any business for sale you’re considering to quickly determine whether or not it’s worth pursuing. After thousands of business purchases we know precisely what the common ingredients are in every good business! These ten components have proven oven and over again to be the foundation of any good business. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Using Business Brokers: Most buyers don’t realize that business brokers represent the seller and not the buyer. They’re paid a commission by the seller and so their mandate is clear: get you to buy any business for sale, not necessarily the right one. Why use them at all? They serve two purposes: they can be helpful in providing you with access to businesses for sale and they’re the ideal liaisons to deliver any bad news to the seller in order to preserve your relationship, especially if the seller will remain on-board after closing to train you. But it’s important that you engage the right one. You’ll learn how to check them out and get them to show you listings that are “reserved” for others. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Reviewing Business For Sale Listings: There are 73 key issues to look for in every business for sale listing. Hidden things that can tell you a lot about a business, both good and bad. These listings will form the foundation of the many questions you’ll need to ask the seller. You’ll learn how to review them in great detail so you can immediately identify businesses that are worth pursuing and you’ll completely avoid wasting time chasing ones that will never materialize. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • How To Solicit Businesses That Aren’t “Officially” For Sale: We’ll also show you how to properly approach and solicit a business that may not be for sale but meets your criteria (by the way, every business is for sale – some owners just don’t realize it yet). The right business is out there for you and sometimes you have to go beyond what is “on the market”. The key is to approach them effectively, so the owners won’t take your solicitation to mean that you’re prepared to pay any premiums. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • The Key Questions To Ask Every Seller: There are 36 critical questions that you must ask every seller. You’ll learn what they are, when you should ask them, and, more importantly, the answers to look for. You will learn how to get the real “hidden” answers – not just what they want you to believe. You’ll know the exact things you should and should not say to the seller, what to do, and the strategies to use to have the advantage in every situation and negotiation. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Thinking About A Franchise? They’re Not For Everyone: The right one can be a good entry into business ownership, but only for certain people. Don’t buy a new franchise; it’s only slightly better than a start-up. We’ll show you how to buy a resale that’s already successful. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Reviewing The Figures (Numbers Don’t Lie; Sellers Do!): Learn how to verify all of the financials to ensure that they are true and accurate. You’ll understand the exact steps to take and the procedures to use to uncover any problems and to see if the seller has “cooked the books” or made certain adjustments to falsify the business. This goes on all the time and the consequences can be enormous! View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Valuing A Business: Worried about overpaying? Forget it! This program includes two proprietary and proven valuation formulas that will eliminate the guesswork and show you how to accurately value any business for sale. These simple-to-use models guarantee you will never overpay for your purchase. The True Valuation Calculation™ and The Diomo Business Assessment™ methods have been used successfully in thousands of business purchases. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Due Diligence – How to Flawlessly Investigate Any Business (This Is Crucial!): Every business for sale has secrets that the seller does not want you to discover. You’ll know how to uncover everything about any business before you buy! Your investigation must be flawless, and it must begin the moment a business is of interest as there is so much to cover. You’ll receive our 200-point Due Diligence Checklist & Strategy Guide that is beyond compare and goes way past the financials to show you precisely how to investigate absolutely every part of the business: the competition, the suppliers, the customers, the contracts, the employees, legal issues, the industry, and on and on. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Gathering Information on The Industry and Competition: How to quickly investigate the competition and the industry and know who and what the business is up against. Sellers typically hide any details about these two areas because they do not want buyers to know how strong the competition may be or of any industry issues that will impact the business in the future. You will uncover every secret by following the covert strategies laid our for you.View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Negotiating The Deal and Making An Offer: Our program will prepare you to effectively negotiate every part of the deal. There are over 50 specific clauses that must be addressed, and this is what separates good deals from bad ones! We provide you with “what to do” checklists and point-counterpoint strategies for each component you’ll have to include in a Purchase Agreement. We’ll lay out the precise clauses you’ll need to ensure you’re completely protected from a future decline in the business or purchasing bad inventory or equipment or for any other liabilities that will surely come back to haunt you if you don’t protect yourself properly. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Financing The Purchase: The goal is simple - get any seller to finance the deal. We won’t allow you to put up your house, guarantee the loan with personal assets, or offer your “first born” as collateral. No way! The seller will provide the financing you need. Over 90% of our clients get the seller to finance the bulk of the deal. This is a critically important aspect of the deal. After all, if the seller won’t finance you, what does that tell you about the future of the business or his/her belief in you to run it? View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Evaluating Employees: Meeting with key employees before you close the deal is crucial. They can provide incredible insight to the business that the seller will probably never tell you. Plus, you will be able to identify who are the key staff members going forward and some great ideas that usually have for the business. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Hiring Professionals: We’ll explain how to hire the right lawyer and accountant, and you’ll discover eleven sure-fire ways to save a ton on their fees. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Pulling the Trigger: It takes specific steps to effectively assemble all the information you have learned from evaluating a specific business. This sections will teach you how to effectively organize all the facts you have learned so you can easily make the final decision whether to buy the business you’ve been analyzing. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Closing The Deal: Making The Final Decision: How to add up all of the information and make the right decision. You’ll know what issues have to be renegotiated, and the documents needed to close the deal. View The Detailed Course Outline
  • Post-Purchase Priorities: The first 90 days after you own the business are so important; you’ll have a bulletproof plan to operate for the first three months covering every important aspect of the business. You’ll have a step-by-step plan of what you must accomplish with the seller during training, how to be certain they are totally cooperative, and how to get them to stay on if necessary or be available to you in the future for any questions you may have. You’ll know how to effectively communicate your vision to the employees and how to set your plans in motion to begin to take your good business and make it great. View The Detailed Course Outline



  • The complete 23 lesson course - How To Buy A Good Business At A Great Price
  • Unlimited Personal Consulting
  • Due Diligence Master Program and 200-point checklist
  • Valuation Module - The Diomo Business Assessment™ method - fully automated. The industry's gold standard tool for accurately valuing a business
  • Legal Forms
  • Letter of Intent Templates
  • Offer to Purchase Agreement Template
  • Personal Financial Statement worksheet
  • Sample direct solicitation letters
  • True Valuation Calculation formula
  • 5 bonus industry specific guides
  • Letter templates for seller follow up
  • Case studies
  • Sample legal clauses you must include in any agreement
  • Due Diligence reference sheets
  • All program exhibits
  • Pro Forma forecasting spreadsheets
  • Employee evaluation Q & A
  • Study guide and journal




With the right information and the right advice, you’ll always make the right decisions.

While our material will provide you with the knowledge, you’ll need to become a properly prepared, well-informed and savvy business buyer, you may in fact encounter some real-world situations where you’ll want additional expert and unbiased advice.

Starting today, you will have unlimited access to a group of business buying specialists.

Whenever you need help, just contact us, outline the situation, and let us know if you’d like an email response or a phone call. We will review the situation and provide you with our input and assessment within one business day.

No matter what circumstance you come across, with our step-by-step strategy guide, and ongoing personal support, you will make the right decision!

There is no additional cost for this service and you can use it as often as you need it. 


Everything we tell you about our material is backed up with an ironclad guarantee. If you are not thrilled with our materials for any reason, we don’t want you to pay for them. Follow our techniques, use our consulting, and if we don’t exceed your expectations, let us know anytime for an immediate refund. No questions asked. No time limits. 


What our clients say about us

Don bought our course, invested $30,000 to buy a business then several others, and sold them for $6 million


Iggy and his partner followed our program and bought a small business, then many others and grew them to
$200 million in revenue and sold out for $100 million





Arthur Pottorff
Palm Bay, Florida

"Your book is fabulous and very informative. I’ve learned a tremendous amount of information and it is helping me with the whole business buying process. To get this amount of information would take years of talking to many different people and then filtering out information and by that time I would be ready to retire. Thank-you for the program.”

Christine Hanson
Rio Nido, CA

"Dear Mr. Parker, I finished your course today and I must tell you I think it was worth every penny! I did own a business for 15 years but I learned more from your course than I did in all that time. I am currently negotiating with a hair salon and feel much more equipped to handle it all since I have the course to refer back to. I am not in the habit of writing to every person who sells a product to me but you did such a fine job that I felt I should let you know how I feel. Once again, thank you – the job you did was exceptional.”

Richard A. Diggs
Alexandria, VA

“I have completed the purchase of another pest control company – Superior Termite and Pest Control to go along with my other company Alexandria Pest Services. Your information was very helpful and I would recommend it to everyone. Thanks again.”

Manuel Cheskes
Houston, TX

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you as well as your staff at Diomo Corp. It’s a real pleasure to do business with honest professional people/company such as yourselves.”

Peter Shea
Chairman and CEO - Entrepreneur Magazine

“How To Buy A Good Business At A Great Price©️ is the most complete program on buying a business that I have ever read.”

Steven Krug
Signal Mountain, TN

“Investing in your course has been fantastic. It is extremely well organized, fast paced, and gets to the bottom line! Your status/encouragement e-mails are also great motivators. Thank you for your guidance with my questions.”

Iggy Domagalski
Calgary, AB

“I read ‘How to buy a good business at a great price©️‘ and it changed my life. That started me and my partners on a road to buying businesses, and since then we have used its principals to buy 10 businesses with 300+ employees and $200M + in annual sales and learned a lot of crazy lessons along the way. Thanks for inspiring us! A couple weeks ago I called up Richard to chat about our journey and to learn about his. It was one of the most enjoyable conversations I’ve ever had and reinforced how much I respect Richard as a business leader. Pick up the program for yourself. It might just change your life too!”

Don Wilson
Tulsa, OK

"I would like to take the time to write you a letter to thank you for your course “How to buy a Good Business at a Great Price©️” and what it has done for me. I worked in financial services for over 10 years and was able to save and invest some money. I always wanted to own my own business (traditional) and was seeking knowledge when I happened upon your course. I ordered it and closed on our first business six months later. It was a retail mall based bulk candy store that wasn’t making any money for the absentee owner after two years of operations. After a thorough review of the business using your techniques I was convinced that we could make a profit and add value. By the year-end we had made all of our initial investment back and had a very nice profit – I was hooked! To make a long story short last July I was able to purchase my biggest competitor and increased our revenue by 250% and our profits by a whopping 290% and yes I now know how to buy a good business at a great price©️….thanks to your course! Today my family and I are living the lifestyle that as a child I could not even imagine! Again thank you for your time, knowledge and inspiration. All the best.”

Brian L. Shawver
Bend, OR

“I’ve worked through two-thirds of your course and I have to say that this is the most comprehensive business buying course in existence! I’m thoroughly impressed by the content (and context) and would gladly recommend it to any and all potential business buyers.”

Phyllis H. Detwiler
Middletown, NJ

“I’ve found your book to be of tremendous value. You have really performed a service in writing in your straightforward manner. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge!”

Odette D”Aniello
Celebrity Cake Studio - Tacoma, WA

“I was going through old e-mail and found some of our correspondence. I just wanted to say THANK YOU once again. I can attest that you helped me through what could have been a complex transaction. Since purchasing the business we have tripled our volume and our profit has grown 50% annually. I highly recommend you and your service. Thanks again.”

Jeff Boaz
San Diego, CA

“Your course is superb. My only regret is that I had not run across this resource earlier, prior to my last business.”

Ozzie Clausell
Miami, FL

“I finally bought my first business (My life long dream). It is a Breakfast & Lunch Cafe in Downtown Miami. The ride has been incredible, lots of learning on the go. Your book was awesome. It really gave me an excellent base of knowledge to work with.”

Roy Cooper
Ashland , OR

“I am writing to let you know how much I got from your program. I bought Superior Windows & Doors and felt it was a diamond in the rough. We have done better every month than the prior owner since we took over. I highly recommend your material to people that even hint that they would like to be business owners. We would not be here without your guidance. Thank you.”

Fred Graff
Louisville, KY

“I want to let you know that I’m a “10 Percenter”. I bought your program in mid September last year and closed on my business in January. Your program was very insightful and definitely provided the guidance for me to get this far. I just wanted to tell you so you can add to your statistics. Thanks!”

Terry Huston
Tampa, Florida

"I’m closing a business purchase next month and I wanted to let you know that your manual was a very useful tool in making that decision. I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life so this wasn’t my first business purchase. If this manual been available before, I could have saved a ton of money and avoided some big mistakes on my other purchases.

Cindy Ozmun
Warwick, RI

"Thank you so much for a wonderful “how to” guide. I found it to be invaluable. I’m under contract and in the due diligence phase to purchase a pet products company. The lists for due diligence are GREAT! Reading this guide was time & money well spent. My business broker, accountant and lawyer were all impressed with my preparedness and well thought out questions.”

Robert Rock, Jr.
Webster, NY

“Well, I finally closed on the business. I would not have been able to go through the entire process without your course and your personal guidance. There were many challenges along the way. I just kept reading and rereading your course throughout. Thank you for all of your help.”

Zane and Sarah Bary
South Island, New Zealand

“Your book is fabulous and very informative. I’ve learned a tremendous amount of information and it is helping me with the whole business buying process. To get this amount of information would take years of talking to many different people and then filtering out information and by that time I would be ready to retire. Thank-you for the program.”

Bruce Dunker
Tyrone , NM

“I can’t thank you enough for your course and your counseling. I purchased an automotive repair business and am doing pretty well with it starting into my second month. The course is right on and taught me a wealth of information about buying a business. Thanks again for sharing your information and helping people like me.”

Gil Takemori
San Jose, CA

“I’ve just completed the purchase of an established business with a 30-year history, now retiring its second owner. Your guide was perfect in helping me select this business, especially in assessing its value. Thanks again for your personal attention to my purchase and pursuits.”

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